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Magical Mystery Tour - departing from the beautifully renovated Liverpool Docklands area. Lower pictures above show Paul McCartney's nice childhood home where he and John wrote 100 songs as teenagers, many destined to become huge hits. Also here is John Lennon's childhood home (known as "Mendips" - on Menlove Avenue), George Harrison's not so nice red brick childhood apartment - not far from Paul's home. Harrison's home is not on the National Trust and is occupied by regular owners or tenants - tourists are constantly stopping by with tour groups for photo ops. Tour vehicles are not allowed on the street so we park a few blocks away and walk there. Also Ringo's childhood home (down the street through the rainy bus windshild) near pub that his stepfather owned. All the fab four grew up fairly close to each other - all within a couple fo miles at most. Also here is Strawberry Fields - a public park - there was big infrastructure water excavation project taking place and we couldn't get inside Strawberry Fields - it was closed. We saw so many sites referenced in Beatles songs, including all the many sites (the bank, the roundabout, barbershop etc) referenced in Penny Lane. Weather on this mid June day was shitty - intermittent rain. Tour was phenomenal and emotional despite the bad weather. Welcome to the UK. Tour guide was excellent. We actually have a mutual acquaintence in Santa Barbara - a Beatles tribute musician who has his own tours to Liverpool. The guide paced things perfectly with some nice Beatles music interludes between his "information."For many it was an emotional experience. Photos at top are of Manchester train station - I was staying with friends in Manchester and took a 15 minute shuttle bus and then a 45 minute train to reach Liverpool.
Magical Mystery Tour - Liverpool
This digital scrapbook is
mostly focused on growing up in the Monterey Peninsula during the 50s, 60s and 70s. If you have any class or team photos, clippings, stories, names, links, memorabilia, corrections or clarifications you would like to contribute, let me know! ~Derek Morris Email: [email protected] |