NOTE: We are searching for more Babe Ruth Baseball Yearbooks from the PRE-1965 and POST-1967 time periods ! If you have a yearbook, please contact me! We are also still trying to find the 1963 Monterey Little League Yearbook !
Derek Morris
[email protected]
Derek Morris
[email protected]
Monterey Babe Ruth League Moose Lodge - 1957
Monterey Babe Ruth League Moose Lodge - 1957
(Names of Players and Coaches - TBD!)
Monterey American Legion Baseball Team - 1949
(at Jacks Park)
(at Jacks Park)
Monterey American Legion Baseball Team - 1949
Photo taken at Jacks Park, which at the time had 7000-person capacity wood bleachers!
(Thanks to Pat Hathaway at California Views Historical Photos archives
(Names of Players and Coaches - TBD!)
The wooden bleachers in this photo, built in 1928, were in place for 25 years; they were torn down in 1954. The story of the bleachers, historical Monterey baseball photos, and other Monterey sports history can be found in the book Monterey Peninsula's Sporting Heritage by John W. (Jack) Frost. Some excerpts are further down this page
Photo taken at Jacks Park, which at the time had 7000-person capacity wood bleachers!
(Thanks to Pat Hathaway at California Views Historical Photos archives
(Names of Players and Coaches - TBD!)
The wooden bleachers in this photo, built in 1928, were in place for 25 years; they were torn down in 1954. The story of the bleachers, historical Monterey baseball photos, and other Monterey sports history can be found in the book Monterey Peninsula's Sporting Heritage by John W. (Jack) Frost. Some excerpts are further down this page
Monterey Babe Ruth League 13-Year-Old All-Stars - 1965
13-Year-Old Babe Ruth League All-Stars - "Tri-Cities"
Monterey, Pacific Grove and Carmel
Babe Ruth League Baseball 1965
Top Row: Manager George Soares, Derek Morris, Joe Solis, Coach (Curtis) Duke Quinones, Eddie Cunningham, (Russell) Rusty Vandervort, Coach H.M. Harry Harris.
Middle Row: Dave Diaz, Danny Dent, Sal Rombi, Terry Nance, John Napoli.
Bottom Row: John Pira, Clark Rabano, Curtis Monar, Batboy Johnny Russell, Terry Mason, Tom Russo. Missing: John Casas, Bill Conlan, Mike Marotta.
Monterey, Pacific Grove and Carmel
Babe Ruth League Baseball 1965
Top Row: Manager George Soares, Derek Morris, Joe Solis, Coach (Curtis) Duke Quinones, Eddie Cunningham, (Russell) Rusty Vandervort, Coach H.M. Harry Harris.
Middle Row: Dave Diaz, Danny Dent, Sal Rombi, Terry Nance, John Napoli.
Bottom Row: John Pira, Clark Rabano, Curtis Monar, Batboy Johnny Russell, Terry Mason, Tom Russo. Missing: John Casas, Bill Conlan, Mike Marotta.
Our Tri-Cities 13-Year-Old Babe Ruth League All-Stars won the "Monterey + San Benito Counties" Championships at Veterans' Memorial Park Ballfields in Hollister. In the single elimination tournament, we beat Fort Ord, Hollister, and Salinas Valley in the finals.
As winners of "Monterey + San Benito Counties," we then played Arroyo Grande, winners of the prior week's "San Luis Obispo + Santa Barbara Counties" tournament. This was essentially for the regional four-county championship. Arroyo Grande beat us 10-1, thus advancing to the eleven-team Northern California championships in Hayward / San Leandro.
It is unknown how far the Arroyo Grande All-Stars got in the NorCal tournament, but they did get eliminated at some point. I had never even bothered to research this until now; just found an Aug 7, 1965 article where Menlo Park was to play the "Sacramento vs Berkeley" winner in the NorCal finals. No other clippings have been located.
Oh well. Who cares. Truth be told, my only reason for researching what happened was to hopefully console myself by learning that Arroyo Grande had actually gone on to win the NorCal championships back then! That kind of story would have made our team look a little better in retrospect! 10-to-1! Ouch!
So my revisionist history theory story is as follows: "Arroyo Grande lost to Menlo Park in extra innings by one run in a game plagued by a series of egregiously horrible umpire calls, all in favor of Menlo Park; this included the final call at home plate at the bottom of the 14th inning where Menlo Park scored the winning run. Many witnesses claim the runner sliding into home was clearly tagged "out" but the corrupt home plate umpire ruled otherwise. Many in attendance concluded that this game represented an umpire bribery scandal nearly equivalent to the Chicago White Sox' ("Black Sox") throwing of the 1919 World Series. (It should be noted that immediately after the game, the umpire was seen paying cash for a brand new convertible El Dorado at the local Hayward Cadillac dealership.)
So in an elaborate scheme, the Menlo Park team's wealthy parents, each high tech Silicon Valley executives, paid hundreds of thousands in cash and high tech stock to the local Hayward umps to have them tilt the game, enabling Menlo Park to defeat the vastly superior Arroyo Grande team. It is rumored that mob-controlled Las Vegas gambling syndicates were also involved. So the talented but poor country farmboys from Arroyo Grande didn't have a chance. High tech evil reared its ugly head, only foreshadowing the future actions of Facebook, Mark *&*uckerberg, Russian bots, Julian Assange, Roger Stone, President Cheeto Benito, and others. Menlo Park, a very strong and talented team but still quite inferior to Arroyo Grande (and probably to our Tri-Cities team), went on to soundly defeat, by increasingly lopsided scores, every other team they encountered. They became champs of NorCal, then California, and then ultimately National Champions. It is rumored that every 13-year-old on the Menlo Park team later received full-ride baseball scholarships, which included new cars, houses, and plenty of "walking around money" at the most prestigious universities in the country. (It should be noted that immediately after the game, the home plate umpire was seen paying cash for a brand new convertible Cadillac El Dorado at the local Hayward Pontiac - Cadillac dealership.)
This little-known scandal set a precedent for the later "pay-to-play" college admissions schemes uncovered in 2019, where wealthy kids who had never ever rowed or played soccer or tennis or lacrosse or tiddlywinks in high school mysteriously got admitted as "walk-on" athletes at major universities.
Looking back objectively, it can now therefore be logically concluded that our Monterey-Carmel-Pacific Grove Tri-Cities essentially won or came very very close to winning the United States 13-Year-Old Babe Ruth National Championships! Yeah ... yeah ... that's the ticket!
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
American League - Monterey Merchants
Top row: Ernie Campbell, Jay Argust, Hans Smith, Derek Morris, Mike Culala, Manager Ted Locicero.
Front row: Scott Culala, Greg Stickler, John Coustette, Calvin Krebs, Jerry Argust, Pat Singh, Bob Maxwell. Center: Batboy Danny Maxwell. Missing: Mike Marotta, Chris Smith, Philip DiGirolamo.
American League - Monterey Merchants
Top row: Ernie Campbell, Jay Argust, Hans Smith, Derek Morris, Mike Culala, Manager Ted Locicero.
Front row: Scott Culala, Greg Stickler, John Coustette, Calvin Krebs, Jerry Argust, Pat Singh, Bob Maxwell. Center: Batboy Danny Maxwell. Missing: Mike Marotta, Chris Smith, Philip DiGirolamo.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
American League - Monterey Merchants
Top row: Mike Culala, Hans Smith, Charlie Mason, Manager Ted Locicero, Peyton Hudson, Dan McGuire, Derek Morris, Paul Ridley.
Front row: Ernie Campbell, Pat Singh, Jay Argus, Batboy Phil Calabrese, Chris Smith, John Coustette, Tom Harper.
Missing: Mike Marotta, Phil DiGirolamo, Bob Howell.
American League - Monterey Merchants
Top row: Mike Culala, Hans Smith, Charlie Mason, Manager Ted Locicero, Peyton Hudson, Dan McGuire, Derek Morris, Paul Ridley.
Front row: Ernie Campbell, Pat Singh, Jay Argus, Batboy Phil Calabrese, Chris Smith, John Coustette, Tom Harper.
Missing: Mike Marotta, Phil DiGirolamo, Bob Howell.
1965 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
American League - Monterey Merchants
Front row: Dan McGuire, Mark Riso, Pat Singh, Derek Morris, Rick Riso, Mike Marotta, Tommy Harper.
Back Row: Manager Ted Locicero, Nick Garnero, Dave Evans, Paul Ridgeley, Richard Ramirez, Cliff Shingo, Peyton Hudson, Steve Howell.
Missing: Coach Chet Garnero.
American League - Monterey Merchants
Front row: Dan McGuire, Mark Riso, Pat Singh, Derek Morris, Rick Riso, Mike Marotta, Tommy Harper.
Back Row: Manager Ted Locicero, Nick Garnero, Dave Evans, Paul Ridgeley, Richard Ramirez, Cliff Shingo, Peyton Hudson, Steve Howell.
Missing: Coach Chet Garnero.
(For some Monterey Babe Ruth League-related
stories & commentary, scroll down to end of page.)
stories & commentary, scroll down to end of page.)
El Estero Baseball Field (Frank Sollecito Jr. Ballpark)
Pearl & Camino El Estero - Monterey, California
Pearl & Camino El Estero - Monterey, California
El Estero Baseball Field (Frank Sollecito Jr. Ballpark)
Pearl & Camino El Estero - Monterey, California
Pearl & Camino El Estero - Monterey, California
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Baldwin
1st Row: Kenny Uyeda, Marty Bartoli, Todd Tegtmeier, Bart Bartoli, Scott Sato.
2nd Row: David Thorngate, Bill Smith, Jeff Phillips, Mike Welch, Mike Cardinalli, Ralph Portuondo.
Top Row: Batboy Brian Crosby, John Napoli, Bob Stanton, Don Burgess, Coach Keith Ayres, Mark Smith, Manager and Sponsor Stan Newlin.
National League - Baldwin
1st Row: Kenny Uyeda, Marty Bartoli, Todd Tegtmeier, Bart Bartoli, Scott Sato.
2nd Row: David Thorngate, Bill Smith, Jeff Phillips, Mike Welch, Mike Cardinalli, Ralph Portuondo.
Top Row: Batboy Brian Crosby, John Napoli, Bob Stanton, Don Burgess, Coach Keith Ayres, Mark Smith, Manager and Sponsor Stan Newlin.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Baldwin
Top row: Coach Dick Campbell, Don Mitchell, Ron Firstman, Joe Lucido, Ron Lomanto, Manager and Sponsor Stan Newlin.
Middle Row: Bob Stanton, Joe Solis, John Aliotti, Mike Cardinalli, John Napoli.
Front Row: Bart Bartoli, Jeff Phillips, Batboy Vincent Lucido, Ralph Portuondo, Mike Welch
Missing: Coach Don Poldan, Ruben Martin.
National League - Baldwin
Top row: Coach Dick Campbell, Don Mitchell, Ron Firstman, Joe Lucido, Ron Lomanto, Manager and Sponsor Stan Newlin.
Middle Row: Bob Stanton, Joe Solis, John Aliotti, Mike Cardinalli, John Napoli.
Front Row: Bart Bartoli, Jeff Phillips, Batboy Vincent Lucido, Ralph Portuondo, Mike Welch
Missing: Coach Don Poldan, Ruben Martin.
1965 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Baldwin
Front Row: Robert Stanton, Ron Firstman, John Napoli, Don Mitchell, John Aliotti, Mike Cardinalli, Mike Cordero, Ron Lomanto.
Back Row: Joe Lucido, Joe Solis, Kenny Miller, Coach Vic Santora, Manager and Sponsor Stan Newlin, Coach Manny Sanchez, John Saunders, Keith Ayres, Anthony Costanza, Norman Mitchell.
National League - Baldwin
Front Row: Robert Stanton, Ron Firstman, John Napoli, Don Mitchell, John Aliotti, Mike Cardinalli, Mike Cordero, Ron Lomanto.
Back Row: Joe Lucido, Joe Solis, Kenny Miller, Coach Vic Santora, Manager and Sponsor Stan Newlin, Coach Manny Sanchez, John Saunders, Keith Ayres, Anthony Costanza, Norman Mitchell.
(For some Monterey Babe Ruth League stories &
commentary, scroll down to end of this page.)
commentary, scroll down to end of this page.)
Pacific Grove Municipal Ballpark
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
Pacific Grove Municipal Ballpark
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Central Labor
Top Row: Manager Tom Russo, Bill Davis, Clark Rabano, Ed Cunningham, Ben Torres, Gary Beadles, Rick Bitter.
Bottom Row: Rick Davis, Jeff Broome, Alan Herren, Doug Bitter, Joe Ventimiglia, Joe Storelli, Rodney Oka . Missing: Tom Russo.
American League - Central Labor
Top Row: Manager Tom Russo, Bill Davis, Clark Rabano, Ed Cunningham, Ben Torres, Gary Beadles, Rick Bitter.
Bottom Row: Rick Davis, Jeff Broome, Alan Herren, Doug Bitter, Joe Ventimiglia, Joe Storelli, Rodney Oka . Missing: Tom Russo.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Central Labor
Top Row: Manager Duke Quinones, Coach Tom Russo, Ed Cunningham, Tom Segali, Tom Harmon, Robbie Serrano, Ron Cheshire, Dennis Larkin, Ron Martin, Coach Stan Segali.
Front Row: Alan Herren, Mark Riso, Rick Riso, Clark Rabano, Jeff Broome, Tom Russo, Joe Storelli. Missing: Rod Oka.
American League - Central Labor
Top Row: Manager Duke Quinones, Coach Tom Russo, Ed Cunningham, Tom Segali, Tom Harmon, Robbie Serrano, Ron Cheshire, Dennis Larkin, Ron Martin, Coach Stan Segali.
Front Row: Alan Herren, Mark Riso, Rick Riso, Clark Rabano, Jeff Broome, Tom Russo, Joe Storelli. Missing: Rod Oka.
1965 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Central Labor
Front Row: Ron Martin, Tom Segali, Ron Chesshire, Clark Rabano, Batboy Tom Russo, Eddie Cunningham, Dennis Larkin, John Atkinson.
Back Row: Manager Duke Quinones, Ernest Campbell, Gary Palma, Tom Harmon, Burt Rhode, Robbie Serrano, Richard Morris, Coach Brian Ziel.
Missing: Steve Rosenoff, Coach Stan Segali.
American League - Central Labor
Front Row: Ron Martin, Tom Segali, Ron Chesshire, Clark Rabano, Batboy Tom Russo, Eddie Cunningham, Dennis Larkin, John Atkinson.
Back Row: Manager Duke Quinones, Ernest Campbell, Gary Palma, Tom Harmon, Burt Rhode, Robbie Serrano, Richard Morris, Coach Brian Ziel.
Missing: Steve Rosenoff, Coach Stan Segali.
Carmel High School Baseball Field
Highway 1 & Ocean Avenue - Carmel, California
Highway 1 & Ocean Avenue - Carmel, California
Carmel High School Baseball Field
Highway 1 & Ocean Avenue - Carmel, California
Highway 1 & Ocean Avenue - Carmel, California
1967 Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Montemar *
Top Row: Assistant Manager David Diaz, Mitchell Torres, David Diaz, Jr., Jeff Sumida, Horace Andante, Ken Yokomizo, Bob Riddleberger, Manager George Hagio.
Front Row: Mike Mancha, Allen Wind, Joel Smith, Ted Esaki, Sal Diaz, Dwayne Eubanks, Colin Kageyama.
American League - Montemar *
Top Row: Assistant Manager David Diaz, Mitchell Torres, David Diaz, Jr., Jeff Sumida, Horace Andante, Ken Yokomizo, Bob Riddleberger, Manager George Hagio.
Front Row: Mike Mancha, Allen Wind, Joel Smith, Ted Esaki, Sal Diaz, Dwayne Eubanks, Colin Kageyama.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Montemar
Top Row: Mitchell Torres, Alton McSween, Ken Yokomizo, Jeff Silveira, Manager Mal Silveira.
Front Row: Jeff Sumida, Tom Boyd, Steve Szody, Horace Andante, Phil Perez, Dave Diaz.
American League - Montemar
Top Row: Mitchell Torres, Alton McSween, Ken Yokomizo, Jeff Silveira, Manager Mal Silveira.
Front Row: Jeff Sumida, Tom Boyd, Steve Szody, Horace Andante, Phil Perez, Dave Diaz.
1965 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Montemar
Front Row: Jeff Sumida, Glenn Takimoto, Frank Bruno, Alton McSween, Don Knight, Mike Balesteri.
Back Row: Mitchell Torres, Dave Diaz, Bill Brooks, John Segovia, Jeff Silveira, Batboy Joe Knight, Manager Paul D'Aqui.
Missing: Ken Yokomizo, Mel Hagio, George Zavitzanos.
American League - Montemar
Front Row: Jeff Sumida, Glenn Takimoto, Frank Bruno, Alton McSween, Don Knight, Mike Balesteri.
Back Row: Mitchell Torres, Dave Diaz, Bill Brooks, John Segovia, Jeff Silveira, Batboy Joe Knight, Manager Paul D'Aqui.
Missing: Ken Yokomizo, Mel Hagio, George Zavitzanos.
Jacks Park Baseball Field
Franklin, Adams, Pearl & Figueroa Streets - Monterey, California
Franklin, Adams, Pearl & Figueroa Streets - Monterey, California
Jacks Park Baseball Field
Franklin, Adams, Pearl & Figueroa Streets - Monterey, California
Franklin, Adams, Pearl & Figueroa Streets - Monterey, California
Above is photo of Monterey Ballpark - later re-named Jacks Park, circa 1944. Note the 7000-person capacity wood bleachers! It was an ambitiously large ballpark which turned out to be "too big" for the needs of Monterey. But those bleachers stood for over twenty-five years!
Pictured here is Jack Frost, whose father, local civic leader Charlie Frost (along with his wife Mrs. Dorothy Hare Frost, who helped make team uniforms by hand!) was instrumental in creating, sponsoring and managing a number of youth baseball teams in Monterey in the 1930's, 1940's and early 1950's. Charlie Frost donated money for equipment and uniforms and even donated his business "gasoline allocation" during WWII to enable his players to travel to play against teams in San Francisco and other parts of the Bay Area. So his earlier teams and the "Frost Bombers" teams (first formed in 1942) existed way before Monterey Little League, Babe Ruth, Bronco, Pony or any other organized local baseball organizations!
(And Charlie's son Jack Frost himself went on to become a nationally-ranked champion tennis player who played Wimbledon and was on the US Davis Cup Team.)
So thank you Charlie Frost! You got the ball rolling! (Many more Monterey sports photos and stories are in Jack Frost's excellent book, referenced below.)
Pictured here is Jack Frost, whose father, local civic leader Charlie Frost (along with his wife Mrs. Dorothy Hare Frost, who helped make team uniforms by hand!) was instrumental in creating, sponsoring and managing a number of youth baseball teams in Monterey in the 1930's, 1940's and early 1950's. Charlie Frost donated money for equipment and uniforms and even donated his business "gasoline allocation" during WWII to enable his players to travel to play against teams in San Francisco and other parts of the Bay Area. So his earlier teams and the "Frost Bombers" teams (first formed in 1942) existed way before Monterey Little League, Babe Ruth, Bronco, Pony or any other organized local baseball organizations!
(And Charlie's son Jack Frost himself went on to become a nationally-ranked champion tennis player who played Wimbledon and was on the US Davis Cup Team.)
So thank you Charlie Frost! You got the ball rolling! (Many more Monterey sports photos and stories are in Jack Frost's excellent book, referenced below.)
The above 1922 and 1944 Photos are from the book:
Monterey Peninsula's Sporting Heritage
by John W. (Jack) Frost
Published in 2007
Arcadia Publishing ISBN #: 978-0-7385-5589-8
Library of Congress Catalogue #: 2007933018
(At the time of these photos, the park's name was "Monterey Ballpark." The City of Monterey later changed the name to "Jacks Park" sometime in the 1950's as a result of donation of the ballpark land by the David Jacks Estate.)
Monterey Peninsula's Sporting Heritage
by John W. (Jack) Frost
Published in 2007
Arcadia Publishing ISBN #: 978-0-7385-5589-8
Library of Congress Catalogue #: 2007933018
(At the time of these photos, the park's name was "Monterey Ballpark." The City of Monterey later changed the name to "Jacks Park" sometime in the 1950's as a result of donation of the ballpark land by the David Jacks Estate.)
Jacks Park Baseball Field
Franklin, Adams, Pearl & Figueroa Streets - Monterey, California
Franklin, Adams, Pearl & Figueroa Streets - Monterey, California
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Slowpokes
Top Row: Manager Sam Russo, Dana Cronk, Robert Culter, Gary Hutchinson, Gerald Armstrong, Nello Torri, Coach Bill Russo.
Front Row: Morris Armstrong, Jim Wise, Milchor Green, Kevin Cunningham, Gary Graves, Tom Craft, Don Ostergard.
Missing Ron Saccia, Dana Harper, Batboy Darrel Lenz.
American League - Slowpokes
Top Row: Manager Sam Russo, Dana Cronk, Robert Culter, Gary Hutchinson, Gerald Armstrong, Nello Torri, Coach Bill Russo.
Front Row: Morris Armstrong, Jim Wise, Milchor Green, Kevin Cunningham, Gary Graves, Tom Craft, Don Ostergard.
Missing Ron Saccia, Dana Harper, Batboy Darrel Lenz.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Slo-Pokes
Top Row: Manager Sam Russo, Gary Thacker, Ron Williams, Sal Riso, Richard Sloan, Nello Torri, Coach Jim Chambers, Coach Mike Homen.
Middle Row: Gerald Armstrong, Gary Hutchinson, Kevin Cunningham, Dana Cronk, Jim Dimaggio, Dana Harper, David Adams.
Front Row: Ron Scaccia, Batboy Marvin Lenz, Milchor Green.
American League - Slo-Pokes
Top Row: Manager Sam Russo, Gary Thacker, Ron Williams, Sal Riso, Richard Sloan, Nello Torri, Coach Jim Chambers, Coach Mike Homen.
Middle Row: Gerald Armstrong, Gary Hutchinson, Kevin Cunningham, Dana Cronk, Jim Dimaggio, Dana Harper, David Adams.
Front Row: Ron Scaccia, Batboy Marvin Lenz, Milchor Green.
Monterey Peninsula College Baseball Field
Fremont St. & Glenwood Circle - Monterey, California
Fremont St. & Glenwood Circle - Monterey, California
Monterey Peninsula College Baseball Field
Fremont St. & Glenwood Circle - Monterey, California
Fremont St. & Glenwood Circle - Monterey, California
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Carmel Dodgers
Top Row: Coach Ron Farmer, John Russell, Steve Mercurio, Steve Vilcone, Jim De Amaral, Chris Thomas, Craig Dickner, Manager Vic Santora.
Front Row: Robert Gimbel, Bryan Hermanson, Dave Polden, Batboy Robert Neece, Ross Mikeljohn, Mike Canepa, Mike Blaisdell.
Missing: Mitch Kastros, Terry Sceders, Pete Caramazza.
National League - Carmel Dodgers
Top Row: Coach Ron Farmer, John Russell, Steve Mercurio, Steve Vilcone, Jim De Amaral, Chris Thomas, Craig Dickner, Manager Vic Santora.
Front Row: Robert Gimbel, Bryan Hermanson, Dave Polden, Batboy Robert Neece, Ross Mikeljohn, Mike Canepa, Mike Blaisdell.
Missing: Mitch Kastros, Terry Sceders, Pete Caramazza.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
American League - Collins Electric
Top Row: Manager Vic Santora, Jim Hiserman, Steve Schaffer, Mike Dress, Steve Vilcone, Jim Henry, Coach Mike Baroni.
Middle Row: Mike Blaisdell, Pete Caramazza, Jack Riso, Steve Mercurio, Scott Downs, Chris Thomas.
Front Row: John Russell, Bay Boy Phil Santora, Batboy Mike Baroni, Robert Gimble.
Missing: Mitch Kastros, Craig Dickinson.
American League - Collins Electric
Top Row: Manager Vic Santora, Jim Hiserman, Steve Schaffer, Mike Dress, Steve Vilcone, Jim Henry, Coach Mike Baroni.
Middle Row: Mike Blaisdell, Pete Caramazza, Jack Riso, Steve Mercurio, Scott Downs, Chris Thomas.
Front Row: John Russell, Bay Boy Phil Santora, Batboy Mike Baroni, Robert Gimble.
Missing: Mitch Kastros, Craig Dickinson.
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Kiwanis *
Top Row: Coach Ted Bell, Fermin Sanchez, John Pira, Emmington Allen, Jeff Millington, Tim DiMaggio, Ron LeVeque, Curtis Monar, Manager Harry Harris.
Front Row: Gene Trawick, Mark De Vincenzi, Steve Wright, Tommy Muniz, Rick Ryu, Randy Draper, Phil Santora.
Missing: Coach Bob Johnston, Sal Rombi.
National League - Kiwanis *
Top Row: Coach Ted Bell, Fermin Sanchez, John Pira, Emmington Allen, Jeff Millington, Tim DiMaggio, Ron LeVeque, Curtis Monar, Manager Harry Harris.
Front Row: Gene Trawick, Mark De Vincenzi, Steve Wright, Tommy Muniz, Rick Ryu, Randy Draper, Phil Santora.
Missing: Coach Bob Johnston, Sal Rombi.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Kiwanis
Top Row: Manager H.M. Harris, Jeff Olinger, Emmington Allen, Craig Smith, Sal Rombi, Tim DiMaggio, Coach Manny Sanchez.
Middle Row: Curtis Monar, John Pira, Dave Sollid, Mike Olaeta, John Taormina.
Front Row: Frank Randazzo, Randy Draper, Michael Torre. Missing: Coach Joey Olaeta, Mario Balesteri, Fermin Sanchez.
National League - Kiwanis
Top Row: Manager H.M. Harris, Jeff Olinger, Emmington Allen, Craig Smith, Sal Rombi, Tim DiMaggio, Coach Manny Sanchez.
Middle Row: Curtis Monar, John Pira, Dave Sollid, Mike Olaeta, John Taormina.
Front Row: Frank Randazzo, Randy Draper, Michael Torre. Missing: Coach Joey Olaeta, Mario Balesteri, Fermin Sanchez.
1965 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Kiwanis *
Front Row: Tim DiMaggio, Sal Rombi, David Sollid, Curtis Monar, John Pira, Mike Olaeta.
Back Row: Manager H.M. Harris, Craig Smith, Mike Stoudt, John Stoudt, Jim Hammer, Ray Cato, Coach Joey Olaeta.
Missing: Pat Gallegos, Anthony Lucido, Jim HIserman, Mario Balesteri.
National League - Kiwanis *
Front Row: Tim DiMaggio, Sal Rombi, David Sollid, Curtis Monar, John Pira, Mike Olaeta.
Back Row: Manager H.M. Harris, Craig Smith, Mike Stoudt, John Stoudt, Jim Hammer, Ray Cato, Coach Joey Olaeta.
Missing: Pat Gallegos, Anthony Lucido, Jim HIserman, Mario Balesteri.
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Moose Lodge
Top Row: Coach Lucido, Coach Frank Tanaka, Terry Mason, Danny Dent, Rick Drobeck, Lindsay Matthews, Allen Niebel, Larry Larson, Jerry Hiserman, Manager George Soares.
Front Row: Higashi, Ted Melicia, John Williams, Chris Stanley, Al Salomone, Scott Bray, Eddie Tanaka.
National League - Moose Lodge
Top Row: Coach Lucido, Coach Frank Tanaka, Terry Mason, Danny Dent, Rick Drobeck, Lindsay Matthews, Allen Niebel, Larry Larson, Jerry Hiserman, Manager George Soares.
Front Row: Higashi, Ted Melicia, John Williams, Chris Stanley, Al Salomone, Scott Bray, Eddie Tanaka.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Moose Lodge
Front Row: Danny Dent, Chris Stanley, Lindsey Matthews, Larry Larson, Scott Bray, Eddie Tanaka, Terry Mason.
Back Row: Coach Frank Tanaka, Louie Banka, Allen Niebel, Horace Dimaggio, Karl Kawata, John Bristol, Rick Drobek, Tom Williams, Manager George Soares.
Missing: John Williams, Steven Soares.
National League - Moose Lodge
Front Row: Danny Dent, Chris Stanley, Lindsey Matthews, Larry Larson, Scott Bray, Eddie Tanaka, Terry Mason.
Back Row: Coach Frank Tanaka, Louie Banka, Allen Niebel, Horace Dimaggio, Karl Kawata, John Bristol, Rick Drobek, Tom Williams, Manager George Soares.
Missing: John Williams, Steven Soares.
1965 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Moose Lodge
Seated On Ground: Batboy Chris Stanley, Rick Dietterle.
Front Row: Matt McAdow, Sei Higashi, Tom Williams, Horace DiMaggio, Gary Kreutzer, Louie Banka, Danny Dent.
Back Row: Manager George Soares, Coach Sam Russo, Allen Niebel, Carl Kawata, Tom Bristol, Charlie Mason, Bill Esaki, Coach Don Kreutzer.
Missing: Terry Mason, Jim Anderson, Don Cottle.
National League - Moose Lodge
Seated On Ground: Batboy Chris Stanley, Rick Dietterle.
Front Row: Matt McAdow, Sei Higashi, Tom Williams, Horace DiMaggio, Gary Kreutzer, Louie Banka, Danny Dent.
Back Row: Manager George Soares, Coach Sam Russo, Allen Niebel, Carl Kawata, Tom Bristol, Charlie Mason, Bill Esaki, Coach Don Kreutzer.
Missing: Terry Mason, Jim Anderson, Don Cottle.
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
National League - Carmel Merchants
Top Row: Manager George Thaler, Todd Gebhart, Tom Wecker, Rick Hall, Dave Powers, Brink Harrison, Jeff Canepa, Steve Powers, Rusty Vandervort.
Front Row: Al Hood, Jim Conlan, Anthony Crivello, Batboy Dan Powers, Frank DiGirolamo, Ray Miller, Bill Conlan.
Missing: Brian Carolan.
National League - Carmel Merchants
Top Row: Manager George Thaler, Todd Gebhart, Tom Wecker, Rick Hall, Dave Powers, Brink Harrison, Jeff Canepa, Steve Powers, Rusty Vandervort.
Front Row: Al Hood, Jim Conlan, Anthony Crivello, Batboy Dan Powers, Frank DiGirolamo, Ray Miller, Bill Conlan.
Missing: Brian Carolan.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
National League - Carmel Merchants *
Top Row: Dick Hall, Don Parks, Randy Newman, Bill Thompson, Brian Carolan, Dave Powers, Coach George DeAmaral, Manager George Thaler.
Front Fow: Bill Conlan, Ray Miller, Jim Conlan, Mal Hall, Jim DeAmaral, Kevin Sullivan, (Russell) Rusty Vandervort.
Missing: Lee Marsh, Brink Harrison.
National League - Carmel Merchants *
Top Row: Dick Hall, Don Parks, Randy Newman, Bill Thompson, Brian Carolan, Dave Powers, Coach George DeAmaral, Manager George Thaler.
Front Fow: Bill Conlan, Ray Miller, Jim Conlan, Mal Hall, Jim DeAmaral, Kevin Sullivan, (Russell) Rusty Vandervort.
Missing: Lee Marsh, Brink Harrison.
1965 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
National League - Carmel Merchants
Front Row: Malcolm Hall, Bill Conlan, (Russell) Rusty Vandervort, Brian Carolan, Kevin Sullivan, Bill Thompson, Brink Harrison.
Back Row: Lee Mark, Randy Sinclair, Mel Miyamoto, Cliff Branch, Ron Parsons, Randy Newman, Steve Hall, Coach Maya Miyamoto, Coach Gordy Miyamoto, Manager George Thaler.
National League - Carmel Merchants
Front Row: Malcolm Hall, Bill Conlan, (Russell) Rusty Vandervort, Brian Carolan, Kevin Sullivan, Bill Thompson, Brink Harrison.
Back Row: Lee Mark, Randy Sinclair, Mel Miyamoto, Cliff Branch, Ron Parsons, Randy Newman, Steve Hall, Coach Maya Miyamoto, Coach Gordy Miyamoto, Manager George Thaler.
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
American League - Pacific Grove Merchants
Top Row: Luis Potter, Glenn Menott, Steve Paul, Coach Richard Russo, Manager Manny Sanchez, Gary Feliciano, Tom Russo, Dan Rockwell.
Middle Row: Ken Cowan, George Danenhour, Ken Larkin, Ted Lytle, Duane Amaral, Dickie Sardina, Don Danenhour.
Front Row: Batboy Roland Sanchez. Missing: John Casas, Terry Nance.
American League - Pacific Grove Merchants
Top Row: Luis Potter, Glenn Menott, Steve Paul, Coach Richard Russo, Manager Manny Sanchez, Gary Feliciano, Tom Russo, Dan Rockwell.
Middle Row: Ken Cowan, George Danenhour, Ken Larkin, Ted Lytle, Duane Amaral, Dickie Sardina, Don Danenhour.
Front Row: Batboy Roland Sanchez. Missing: John Casas, Terry Nance.
1966 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
American League - Pacific Grove Merchants
Top Row: Manager Bill Pitter, Lyndall Melton, Bruce Rockwell, Neil Rhode, Curtis Everett, Terry Nance, Tom Russo, Ted Tomita, Coach Slats Thomas.
Front Row: Ken Cowan, Gary Feliciano, Danny Rockwell, Batboy Kevin Thomas, John Casas, Steve Paul, Ted Golding.
Missing: Alan Robbins, Luis Potter.
American League - Pacific Grove Merchants
Top Row: Manager Bill Pitter, Lyndall Melton, Bruce Rockwell, Neil Rhode, Curtis Everett, Terry Nance, Tom Russo, Ted Tomita, Coach Slats Thomas.
Front Row: Ken Cowan, Gary Feliciano, Danny Rockwell, Batboy Kevin Thomas, John Casas, Steve Paul, Ted Golding.
Missing: Alan Robbins, Luis Potter.
1965 Monterey Babe Ruth Baseball
American League - Pacific Grove Merchants
Front Row: Neal Rhode, Allan Robbins, Ted Golding, Kevin Thomas, John Casas, Steve Paul, Tom Russo. Back Row: Manager Bill Pitter, Coach Slats Thomas, Jim Russo, John Thomas, Butch Everett, Jack Stutzman, Terry Nance, Chris Buck, Danny Hoffman.
Missing: Jim Matteson, Bruce Rockwell.
American League - Pacific Grove Merchants
Front Row: Neal Rhode, Allan Robbins, Ted Golding, Kevin Thomas, John Casas, Steve Paul, Tom Russo. Back Row: Manager Bill Pitter, Coach Slats Thomas, Jim Russo, John Thomas, Butch Everett, Jack Stutzman, Terry Nance, Chris Buck, Danny Hoffman.
Missing: Jim Matteson, Bruce Rockwell.
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth League
American League - Kiwanis Early Birds
Top Row: Manager George De Amaral, Coach Pat Ivers, Steve Krebs, Bill Ingram, Gil Verworld, Frank Dalling, John Severson, Wally Sena.
Front Row: Mike Lucas, Mike Ansel, Bill Ivers, Walt Verwold, Gary McCoughay, Tom Dalling.
Missing: Keith Lucas, Kelly Monahan.
American League - Kiwanis Early Birds
Top Row: Manager George De Amaral, Coach Pat Ivers, Steve Krebs, Bill Ingram, Gil Verworld, Frank Dalling, John Severson, Wally Sena.
Front Row: Mike Lucas, Mike Ansel, Bill Ivers, Walt Verwold, Gary McCoughay, Tom Dalling.
Missing: Keith Lucas, Kelly Monahan.
1967 Monterey Babe Ruth League Baseball
National League - Navy
Top Row: Coach Brickner, Larry Tyschen, Pete Cruz, Terry Connally, Dave Leipold, Vince Myrah, Gary Kristof, John Peek, Kevin Allison, Dave Harber, Manager Nider.
Front Row: Batboy Danny Adcox, Keith Dietz, Tom Williams, Jim Moore, Ken Nider, Gary Taylor, Henry Tambari.
National League - Navy
Top Row: Coach Brickner, Larry Tyschen, Pete Cruz, Terry Connally, Dave Leipold, Vince Myrah, Gary Kristof, John Peek, Kevin Allison, Dave Harber, Manager Nider.
Front Row: Batboy Danny Adcox, Keith Dietz, Tom Williams, Jim Moore, Ken Nider, Gary Taylor, Henry Tambari.
Babe Ruth League, Inc., is a non-profit, tax-exempt organization and is dedicated to the task of developing good citizens by providing properly supervised baseball competition for the 13, 14, and 15-year-old boys. Incorporated in 1952, there are now many hundreds of leagues and thousands of teams in the United States, Canada and Europe. At the close of the 1962 season, there were 1612 leagues, 9633 teams and over 144,500 boys registered, with new leage affiliations being processed at the rate of five per week. The Monterey Peninsula Babe Ruth League, Inc., was organized in 1955 by a group of interested men headed by Jimmy Chambers, who served as its President for several years. Today the M.P.B.R. League has grown to 12 teams, representing an organizaed baseball program for 180 young players operating under slightly modified professional baseball rules and using a regulation diamond. Financial support comes from the Sponsors and Advertisers listed in our Official Program. We hope you will support these firms and individuals - without their help we would not be able to carry on this truly great American game for these fine young men. LEAGUE OFFICIALS - 1965 TED LOCICERO - President; PHIL SANTORA - Vice President; FRED ULAN - Secretary-Treasurer; ED WILLIAMS - Player Agent; WAYNE MILLINGTON - Equipment Manager; STAN NEWLIN - Ladies' Auxiliary, Chairman; ANN FIRSTMAN - Co-Chairman BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 1965 STEVE MAGYAR, Chairman, BILL SEAWELL; ED WILLIAMS; DICK BENNETT; BILL QUINONES; PHIL SANTORA; COL. ED MURPHY; GEORGE HACHIYA; MAX MOBLEY; WAYNE MILLINGTON; GEORGE MAGUIRE; SAL RISO; JOHNNIE HARPER; LARRY MORRIS; STAN NEWLIN ADVISORY BOARD - 1965 CHARLES SIMPSON, FRANK C. MARINELLO, EDWIN HUBBERT PAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 1955 - Seaside Lions; 1956 - Monterey Merchants; 1957 - Baldwin Pianos; 1958 - Baldwin Pianos; 1959 - Moose Lodge; 1960- Central Labor Council; 1961 - Central Labor Council; 1962 - Monterey Merchants; 1963 - Carmel Merchants; 1964 - Montemar Market. A beautiful 22-inch Trophy has been donated by Mitchell's Oak Grove Store as an annual award to the championship team. The team winning three league pennants will have permanent possession of this Trophy. |
LEAGUE OFFICIALS - 1966 TED LOCICERO - President; JACK KELLEHER - Vice President; JAN DeAMARAL - Secretary; FRED ULAN -Treasurer; SAL RISO - Player Agent; JOHN BALUN - Equipment Manager; STAN NEWLIN - Publicity Director; LORRAINE SOARES - Ladies' Auxiliary Chairman; ANN FIRSTMAN - Co-Chairman BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 1966 STEVE MAGYAR; BILL SEAWELL; PHIL SANTORA, GEORGE HACHIYA, GEORGE MAGUIRE, SAL RISO, LARRY MORRIS, STAN NEWLIN, BEN OMOTO ADVISORY BOARD - 1965 FRANK C. MARINELLO, EDWIN HUBBERT, MAYOR MINNIE D. COYLE, ROBERT TRENNER, LES DIXON, ROBERT J. BOWERSOX PAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 1955 - Seaside Lions; 1956 - Monterey Merchants; 1957 - Baldwin Pianos; 1958 - Baldwin Pianos; 1959 - Moose Lodge; 1960- Central Labor Council; 1961 - Central Labor Council; 1962 - Monterey Merchants; 1963 - Carmel Merchants; 1964 - Montemar Market; 1965 - Kiwanis A beautiful 22-inch Trophy has been donated by Mitchell's Oak Grove Store as an annual award to the championship team. The team winning three league pennants will have permanent possession of this Trophy. |
LEAGUE OFFICIALS - 1967 MIKE HOMEN - President; BEN OMOTO - Vice President; MRS. JOHN POWERS - Secretary; SAM RUSSO - Treasurer; HENRY TRAWICK - Player Agent; STAN VILCONE - Equipment Manager; STAN NEWLIN - Publicity Director; GEORGE SOARES - Committee Chairman BOARD OF DIRECTORS - 1967 Bill QUINONES, Chairman; STEVE MAGYAR, BILL SEAWELL, PHIL SANTORA, TED CANEPA; STAN NEWLIN; TED LOCICERO ADVISORY BOARD - 1967 FRANK C. MARINELLO; EDWIN HUBBERT; MAYOR MINNIE. D. COYLE ROBERT TRENNER; LES DIXON; ROBERT J. BOWERSOX PAST LEAGUE CHAMPIONS 1955 - Seaside Lions; 1956 - Monterey Merchants; 1957 - Baldwin Pianos; 1958 - Baldwin Pianos; 1959 - Moose Lodge; 1960-Central Labor Council; 1961 - Central Labor Council; 1962 - Monterey Merchants; 1963 - Carmel Merchants; 1964 - Montemar Market; 1965 - Kiwanis; 1966 - Carmel Merchants A beautiful 22-inch Trophy has been donated by Mitchell's Oak Grove Store as an annual award to the championship team. The team winning three league pennants will have permanent possession of this Trophy. |
We're Looking For Babe Ruth League
15-Year-Old All-Star Team Photos - 1967
Do you have any team photos or tournament game photos for the 1967 Monterey Babe Ruth 15-Year-Old All-Stars buried in a scrapbook?
Email: derekcmorris [at] gmail [dot] com
15-Year-Old All-Star Team Photos - 1967
Do you have any team photos or tournament game photos for the 1967 Monterey Babe Ruth 15-Year-Old All-Stars buried in a scrapbook?
Email: derekcmorris [at] gmail [dot] com
Special thanks to those who have contributed to this site so far: Robert Stanton, Jeanne Stanton, Don Davison, Mark Smith, Denis Simard, Joan Chapin, Kyle Wyatt, Martin Bradley, Marla Martin Anderson, Debbie Langdon Bradford, Lilly Hespen Menezes, Alan Herren, Mike Welch, Mary Jane Porter Perna, Susan Turner Pohlmann, Mark Bibler, Joe Cutrufelli, Jeff Sumida, Alice Valdez Gerschler, Jon Wren, Duke Quinones, Susie Rochon Henderson, Pat Duffy, Gerald Armstrong, Carl Becker, Dennis Taylor, Mike Ventimiglia, Jack Frost, Steve Martin, Tom Russo Sr., Chuck Della Sala, Mel Hagio, Rick Hattori, Randall Harris, Eddie Van Houtte, Pat Hathaway, Victor Henry and Dennis Copeland. We expect to be hearing from others soon!
Special thanks to those who have contributed to this site so far: Robert Stanton, Jeanne Stanton, Don Davison, Mark Smith, Denis Simard, Joan Chapin, Kyle Wyatt, Martin Bradley, Marla Martin Anderson, Debbie Langdon Bradford, Lilly Hespen Menezes, Alan Herren, Mike Welch, Mary Jane Porter Perna, Susan Turner Pohlmann, Mark Bibler, Joe Cutrufelli, Jeff Sumida, Alice Valdez Gerschler, Jon Wren, Duke Quinones, Susie Rochon Henderson, Pat Duffy, Gerald Armstrong, Carl Becker, Dennis Taylor, Mike Ventimiglia, Jack Frost, Steve Martin, Tom Russo Sr., Chuck Della Sala, Mel Hagio, Rick Hattori, Randall Harris, Eddie Van Houtte, Pat Hathaway, Victor Henry and Dennis Copeland. We expect to be hearing from others soon!
Any Babe Ruth-related photos, clippings or stories to add? Let me know!
Email: derekcmorris [at] gmail [dot] com
Email: derekcmorris [at] gmail [dot] com
Babe Ruth Baseball vs. Monterey Pop Festival - June 17, 1967
Babe Ruth Baseball vs. Monterey Pop Festival - June 17, 1967
Babe Ruth Baseball vs. Monterey Pop Festival - June 17, 1967
Well, this was 1967, the "Summer of Love," and Monterey was the center of the world for a weekend with the Monterey Pop Festival on June 16-18. As a huge music fan and youthful musician myself, attending the Pop Festival was VERY important to me; it was a great opportunity to see some of the best bands in the world at the world's first major rock festival. Performers that Saturday afternoon included Quicksilver Messenger Service, Country Joe & The Fish, Big Brother & The Holding Company (with Janis Joplin), Steve Miller Band, Electric Flag, Al Kooper, Paul Butterfield, and Canned Heat. The Friday night before I had just seen Simon & Garfunkel, The Association, Eric Burdon & The Animals, and even 60's pop star Johnny Rivers.
But there was a conflict. I was supposed to pitch in a Babe Ruth League game that Saturday, beginning at Noon at El Estero Park against the Kiwanis Pirates, the best team in the league. The Pop Festival was scheduled to start at 1:30. I didn't want to let my Monterey Merchants team down but there was no way I was going to miss the Pop Festival. So I told my manager that I'd pitch through the top of the 4th inning but then had to leave for the show. He didn't like it but said "OK." (I figured that if each full inning lasted say 20 minutes, then I could get to the Monterey Fairgrounds [via my father, who was my "ride" - I was 15 and not yet driving yet!] in time for the first band scheduled at 1:30.)
Well, I did finish pitching the first 4 innings and our team actually was doing very well against the undefeated Kiwanis team that ended up winning the league championship. I don't remember feeling like I was throwing anything special - a few strikeouts but not that many; a bunch of hanging curves that they probably would have eventually adjusted to and then started drilling the ball. But for whatever reason they weren't effectively hitting me (yet!). So after keeping Kiwanis to one run after their four innings at-bat, I left right away after the top of the 4th; we were ahead 4-1 and our team was about to go to bat at the bottom of the 4th.
As I found out later, the rest of that game did not turn out well. We didn't score in the bottom of the 4th, and starting in the top of the 5th, Kiwanis proceeded to totally blow the game wide open. They scored five runs in the top of the 5th off the new pitcher. It got uglier and uglier; our team didn't hit and also made a bunch of fielding errors; Kiwanis continued to run up the score and ended up winning 12-5.
To their credit, Kiwanis was an explosive team with some very good singles hitters who got on base a lot; they also had some hitters with power. And I was surprised that I had pitched so well up to that point; it probably would not have lasted but who knows. Maybe I left at the perfect time, with my dignity still intact! Kiwanis had four all-star 15-year-old players including Curtis Monar, Sal Rombi, Tim DiMaggio, and John Pira along with some strong younger players like Fermin Sanchez and Jeff Millington. Kiwanis had good depth at most positions, and people with the ability to get on base and steal bases. They also had probably the best hitter and pitcher in the league - Curtis Monar. Luckily Curtis was not pitching that day - don't recall who it was. Anyway, maybe I was so amped up about the Pop Festival and so eager to end each inning as quickly as possible that my pitching somehow got better? I don't remember it that way at all but who knows.
I arrived at the Pop Festival maybe twenty minutes after the first band started playing and only missed a couple of songs by the opening act Canned Heat - which I couldn't have cared less about! Overrated,boring blues band (boring and blues are synonymous to me). I frankly never understood why they were invited to the Pop Festival to begin with.
After Canned Heat left the stage, the rest of the afternoon was phenomenal; maybe "miraculous" and "life-changing" might be a better description. I still remember Country Joe & The Fish's trippy and mesmerizing "Section 43" - the highlight of a great day along with great performances by Quicksilver Messenger Service and John Cippolina, along with Janis Joplin/Big Brother & The Holding Company. Janis sang the legendary "Ball and Chain;" that song got such an ovation that Janis was brought back to perform it again on Sunday night. (This is indeed a blues style song and I don't care for blues, but her performance here was off-the-charts brilliant and totally compelling; jaw dropping is a good description. She was on fire. Her whole performance was transcendent and she took that one song far beyond the three-chord predictable boring typical blues form - even with a pretty "average" band backing her up!)
That Saturday afternoon show that I saw with Janis / Big Brother wasn't filmed because of some sort of "rights dispute" over eventual use of the footage and recording; it somehow later got resolved before Sunday night; her filmed Sunday night performance of "Ball and Chain" is the one that is in the D.A. Pennebaker "Monterey Pop" movie.
Below are YouTube clips for Country Joe ("Section 43") and Janis Joplin & Big Brother ("Ball and Chain") from D.A. Pennebaker's "Monterey Pop" movie.
~ DM
Well, this was 1967, the "Summer of Love," and Monterey was the center of the world for a weekend with the Monterey Pop Festival on June 16-18. As a huge music fan and youthful musician myself, attending the Pop Festival was VERY important to me; it was a great opportunity to see some of the best bands in the world at the world's first major rock festival. Performers that Saturday afternoon included Quicksilver Messenger Service, Country Joe & The Fish, Big Brother & The Holding Company (with Janis Joplin), Steve Miller Band, Electric Flag, Al Kooper, Paul Butterfield, and Canned Heat. The Friday night before I had just seen Simon & Garfunkel, The Association, Eric Burdon & The Animals, and even 60's pop star Johnny Rivers.
But there was a conflict. I was supposed to pitch in a Babe Ruth League game that Saturday, beginning at Noon at El Estero Park against the Kiwanis Pirates, the best team in the league. The Pop Festival was scheduled to start at 1:30. I didn't want to let my Monterey Merchants team down but there was no way I was going to miss the Pop Festival. So I told my manager that I'd pitch through the top of the 4th inning but then had to leave for the show. He didn't like it but said "OK." (I figured that if each full inning lasted say 20 minutes, then I could get to the Monterey Fairgrounds [via my father, who was my "ride" - I was 15 and not yet driving yet!] in time for the first band scheduled at 1:30.)
Well, I did finish pitching the first 4 innings and our team actually was doing very well against the undefeated Kiwanis team that ended up winning the league championship. I don't remember feeling like I was throwing anything special - a few strikeouts but not that many; a bunch of hanging curves that they probably would have eventually adjusted to and then started drilling the ball. But for whatever reason they weren't effectively hitting me (yet!). So after keeping Kiwanis to one run after their four innings at-bat, I left right away after the top of the 4th; we were ahead 4-1 and our team was about to go to bat at the bottom of the 4th.
As I found out later, the rest of that game did not turn out well. We didn't score in the bottom of the 4th, and starting in the top of the 5th, Kiwanis proceeded to totally blow the game wide open. They scored five runs in the top of the 5th off the new pitcher. It got uglier and uglier; our team didn't hit and also made a bunch of fielding errors; Kiwanis continued to run up the score and ended up winning 12-5.
To their credit, Kiwanis was an explosive team with some very good singles hitters who got on base a lot; they also had some hitters with power. And I was surprised that I had pitched so well up to that point; it probably would not have lasted but who knows. Maybe I left at the perfect time, with my dignity still intact! Kiwanis had four all-star 15-year-old players including Curtis Monar, Sal Rombi, Tim DiMaggio, and John Pira along with some strong younger players like Fermin Sanchez and Jeff Millington. Kiwanis had good depth at most positions, and people with the ability to get on base and steal bases. They also had probably the best hitter and pitcher in the league - Curtis Monar. Luckily Curtis was not pitching that day - don't recall who it was. Anyway, maybe I was so amped up about the Pop Festival and so eager to end each inning as quickly as possible that my pitching somehow got better? I don't remember it that way at all but who knows.
I arrived at the Pop Festival maybe twenty minutes after the first band started playing and only missed a couple of songs by the opening act Canned Heat - which I couldn't have cared less about! Overrated,boring blues band (boring and blues are synonymous to me). I frankly never understood why they were invited to the Pop Festival to begin with.
After Canned Heat left the stage, the rest of the afternoon was phenomenal; maybe "miraculous" and "life-changing" might be a better description. I still remember Country Joe & The Fish's trippy and mesmerizing "Section 43" - the highlight of a great day along with great performances by Quicksilver Messenger Service and John Cippolina, along with Janis Joplin/Big Brother & The Holding Company. Janis sang the legendary "Ball and Chain;" that song got such an ovation that Janis was brought back to perform it again on Sunday night. (This is indeed a blues style song and I don't care for blues, but her performance here was off-the-charts brilliant and totally compelling; jaw dropping is a good description. She was on fire. Her whole performance was transcendent and she took that one song far beyond the three-chord predictable boring typical blues form - even with a pretty "average" band backing her up!)
That Saturday afternoon show that I saw with Janis / Big Brother wasn't filmed because of some sort of "rights dispute" over eventual use of the footage and recording; it somehow later got resolved before Sunday night; her filmed Sunday night performance of "Ball and Chain" is the one that is in the D.A. Pennebaker "Monterey Pop" movie.
Below are YouTube clips for Country Joe ("Section 43") and Janis Joplin & Big Brother ("Ball and Chain") from D.A. Pennebaker's "Monterey Pop" movie.
~ DM
Quality of Team Photos - Little League vs. Babe Ruth
And Photographer Ken Roberts
Note that all the team photos for Babe Ruth were done by a professional Monterey Peninsula photographer, Ken Roberts. And they looked pretty good! The Babe Ruth team photos were quite a bit better than the Little League team photos shown here. In too many Little League pictures, you can't see the kids' faces that well because of shadows, or there is so much direct sunlight that the pictures get washed out. The LL pics were probably taken by volunteers passing around a camera. It seems that back then, to get a decent photo, a little more planning had to go into taking a picture beforehand - the camera did not have very many automatic features. Regarding the technology, this was the early 60's, an era of black and white photos typically taken with little Brownie cameras and flash bulbs. Even color photos were expensive and didn't really reach mass acceptance until the 70's. And back then even if your pictures came out bad you still had to pay for the developing and printing; it was difficult to learn how to use a camera and experiment a lot when each picture was relatively expensive.
It seems like those taking the LL pictures could have improved the results just by repositioning the teams so that the sun was facing them and not at their backs or side casting shadows over the faces because of ball caps! Or they could have scheduled the photo sessions at a more favorable time of day when the sun is lower in the sky. Or just have had kids remove the ballcaps; the caps with the noon sun overhead or coming in from the side resulted in the most shadows. (Who needs caps anyway? I never liked wearing a cap while playing - it got in the way more than helped. Oh well. I'm starting to rant here.)
Continuing this rant: Though the volunteers putting the books together did a great job, it does seem like the Little League yearbooks could have used an experienced volunteer "editor-in-chief." Note that many of the LL book captions only included the first initials of players and not full first names. Were they trying to save on ink or something? I don't get the theory behind omitting the first name of each Little League player and coach and instead just using a first initial! What is the purpose of the Little League yearbook anyway but to preserve memories and names and photos into the future? And also a lot of the last names in the LL book were misspelled especially for the National League for some reason. This was maybe a combination of bad spelling by the coach submitting the info to the printer, typo's by the person operating the linotype at the printer, and/or linotype operator misreading the chicken scratch handwriting submitted by the coaches.
In contrast, it was a great move for the local Babe Ruth organization to use a professional photographer, Ken Roberts in all three '65-'67 yearbooks. And Babe Ruth yearbooks have complete names and very few spelling errors. Perhaps that was also Roberts' responsibility to get the names recorded accurately at the time the pictures were taken, which makes sense.
(By the way, the same thing was done with first name initials in our Monterey High yearbooks in the late 60's and 1970! Only the seniors at Monterey High had their full first names printed - sophomores and juniors had first initials only! Junior high was even worse: at Walter Colton first initials were applied to everybody - 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. Again, aren't photo yearbooks intended to help recall events and people from the past? Using first initials only is pretty short-sighted and counter-intuitive for the purposes of creating yearbook! I would call it stupid. OK, this rant is almost over!)
Ah... a friend just pointed out one "theory:" maybe the "first initial-last name" approach was derived from the military's "name-rank-serial number" system. Many Little League coaches and managers had served in World War II only 15-20 years earlier; maybe they got this mentality drilled into them as a result of military service? Remember also that many people in the Monterey Peninsula were connected with Fort Ord, Naval Postgraduate School, Defense Language Institute, and Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies.
And Photographer Ken Roberts
Note that all the team photos for Babe Ruth were done by a professional Monterey Peninsula photographer, Ken Roberts. And they looked pretty good! The Babe Ruth team photos were quite a bit better than the Little League team photos shown here. In too many Little League pictures, you can't see the kids' faces that well because of shadows, or there is so much direct sunlight that the pictures get washed out. The LL pics were probably taken by volunteers passing around a camera. It seems that back then, to get a decent photo, a little more planning had to go into taking a picture beforehand - the camera did not have very many automatic features. Regarding the technology, this was the early 60's, an era of black and white photos typically taken with little Brownie cameras and flash bulbs. Even color photos were expensive and didn't really reach mass acceptance until the 70's. And back then even if your pictures came out bad you still had to pay for the developing and printing; it was difficult to learn how to use a camera and experiment a lot when each picture was relatively expensive.
It seems like those taking the LL pictures could have improved the results just by repositioning the teams so that the sun was facing them and not at their backs or side casting shadows over the faces because of ball caps! Or they could have scheduled the photo sessions at a more favorable time of day when the sun is lower in the sky. Or just have had kids remove the ballcaps; the caps with the noon sun overhead or coming in from the side resulted in the most shadows. (Who needs caps anyway? I never liked wearing a cap while playing - it got in the way more than helped. Oh well. I'm starting to rant here.)
Continuing this rant: Though the volunteers putting the books together did a great job, it does seem like the Little League yearbooks could have used an experienced volunteer "editor-in-chief." Note that many of the LL book captions only included the first initials of players and not full first names. Were they trying to save on ink or something? I don't get the theory behind omitting the first name of each Little League player and coach and instead just using a first initial! What is the purpose of the Little League yearbook anyway but to preserve memories and names and photos into the future? And also a lot of the last names in the LL book were misspelled especially for the National League for some reason. This was maybe a combination of bad spelling by the coach submitting the info to the printer, typo's by the person operating the linotype at the printer, and/or linotype operator misreading the chicken scratch handwriting submitted by the coaches.
In contrast, it was a great move for the local Babe Ruth organization to use a professional photographer, Ken Roberts in all three '65-'67 yearbooks. And Babe Ruth yearbooks have complete names and very few spelling errors. Perhaps that was also Roberts' responsibility to get the names recorded accurately at the time the pictures were taken, which makes sense.
(By the way, the same thing was done with first name initials in our Monterey High yearbooks in the late 60's and 1970! Only the seniors at Monterey High had their full first names printed - sophomores and juniors had first initials only! Junior high was even worse: at Walter Colton first initials were applied to everybody - 7th, 8th, and 9th graders. Again, aren't photo yearbooks intended to help recall events and people from the past? Using first initials only is pretty short-sighted and counter-intuitive for the purposes of creating yearbook! I would call it stupid. OK, this rant is almost over!)
Ah... a friend just pointed out one "theory:" maybe the "first initial-last name" approach was derived from the military's "name-rank-serial number" system. Many Little League coaches and managers had served in World War II only 15-20 years earlier; maybe they got this mentality drilled into them as a result of military service? Remember also that many people in the Monterey Peninsula were connected with Fort Ord, Naval Postgraduate School, Defense Language Institute, and Monterey Institute of Foreign Studies.
Pacific Grove Municipal Ballpark
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
El Estero Baseball Field (Frank Sollecito Jr. Ballpark)
Pearl & Camino El Estero - Monterey, California
Pearl & Camino El Estero - Monterey, California
El Estero Baseball Field (Frank Sollecito Jr. Ballpark)
Pearl & Camino El Estero - Monterey, California
Pearl & Camino El Estero - Monterey, California
Pacific Grove Municipal Ballpark
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
Carmel High School Baseball Field
Highway 1 & Ocean Avenue - Carmel, California
Highway 1 & Ocean Avenue - Carmel, California
Pacific Grove Municipal Ballpark
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California
17 Mile Drive, Pico, Short & Ridge - Pacific Grove, California